AIA Gulf States Region
Honor Awards 2015
Entry Forms Due By February 6, 2015
The AIA Gulf States Region Honor Awards Program celebrates the quality of Architecture
in our region and pays tribute to our deserving Architects for their design excellence.
David Powell, AIA (Hastings Architecture Associates, Nashville) is our Program Chair
for the 2015 Honor Awards. Questions: Call Sheila Leggett at 615/254-1233.
How to Enter
The 2015 AIA Gulf States Region Honor Awards submission will be in an electronic
format. Upon receipt of your entry form and fee, you will be provided an official
PowerPoint template with step-by-step instructions for use in electronic submission.
The template has been designed so that you will be able to drop your text and images
into a preset layout. To maintain consistency and fairness, no modifications to
the layout will be accepted.
The electronic format facilitates a submission in which all images contribute to
supporting the program statement. Each visual should have a purpose as it relates
to the larger idea. The photos should contain a few compelling pieces of information
to make the statement readily understood from a quick scan. Be sure to label plans
clearly, indicating a north arrow. Within each square, you can layer images and
plans or place images side-by-side. The area beneath the slide entry number is
available to you to place statements to further illustrate your point. Keep in
mind the impact the image will make once projected on a large screen.
There are three steps to the entry process. First, Submit entry form, fee and classification
by February 6, 2015. Second: You will receive a Code Number and complete PowerPoint
template for each entry via email. Third: Submit your entry via UPLOAD by 5:00 p.m.
on March 3, 2015. No submittals will be accepted via email.
Any architectural project completed after January 2010 which has been designed by,
or in collaboration with, an AIA member of the Gulf States Region is eligible for
submission. Projects may have been executed anywhere. Firms are encouraged to
submit previously submitted non-winning projects or ones which have won awards in
other programs.
The Honor Awards program is open to architectural projects of all classifications.
An entry may be of one building, a related group of buildings forming a single
project, or an interior design project. The term “building” includes any new architectonic
composition as well as the remodeling, rehabilitation, and/or preservation of existing
For clarity only, please designate the general classification of the submitted project.
The basic classifications are as follows: New Construction; Renovation/Restoration;
Architectural Interior Design. Jurors will select from the collection of all entries
and shall not be obligated to provide awards for each classification.
Each project will be judged according to its own merit, how well it solves the problem
addressed, and sustainability. Projects will not be judged in competition with
each other, but by measuring the architect’s performance against each project’s
potential. Awards can be given in three categories: Honor Awards, Honor Citations
and Merit Awards. Honor Awards will be granted for overall design excellence.
Honor Citations will be granted to projects worthy of recognition because of their
design quality. Merit Awards will be granted at the discretion of the jury. These
awards will be designated by a jury of architects whose work and reputations have
been established at a national level of the profession. Award recipients will be
announced and awards presented at the Gulf States Regional Reception and Honor
Awards Friday May 15, during the 2015 AIA National Convention in Atlanta.
Submittal guidelines are detailed completely in the Submittal Instructions which
will be sent with your code number, but keep in mind the following:
The following will be required for integration into the PowerPoint template:
- Project Information. Include program statement, program summary, area and cost per square foot, construction cost, date of completion, project code number and classification.
- Plans and Drawings. Include site plan, floor plan(s) or details describing special features, construction systems, “before” views, etc.
- Photography/Images. Include exterior views showing major elevations, interior views (one or more), other views or details describing special features, nighttime images, construction systems, “before” views, etc. The maximum size of images is 750k per slide. It is the responsibility of the entrant to obtain all clearances for use.
**** IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT ****: To assist with PR/publicity of the Honor Award
projects, please also include AS A SEPARATE FILE ON THE CD – one photograph to
be used for PR purposes. Be certain you identify the photographer and give credit.
The photograph should be in jpeg or similar format, no larger than 5 MB.
Entry Form
Use the link below to access the Entry Form. For your convenience, we have formated
this form so that you can type directly on it.
Honor Awards Program
To acknowledge excellence in Architecture, AIA Gulf States Region conducts an Annual
Honor Awards Program. This Honors program identifies built works of distinction
designed by AIA members in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
and Tennessee. These awards also bring greater public recognition to our Gulf States
Region’s outstanding Architects and their remarkable projects. David Powell, AIA
– Tennessee, will chair the 2015 Program. Questions: Call Sheila Leggett at 615-254-1233.
Call Sheila Leggett at 615-254-1233.