Why Should You Join?

The AIA is an unparalleled source for peer networking, knowledge development, advocacy, community service, and recognition, leading to better career opportunities and greater influence in the marketplace for our members. AIA Arkansas is an extension of the national organization and provides many services and benefits for its members. Below is a list of these benefits.





A list of benefits offered through the national chapter can be found here.

become a member

For instructions on becoming a member, click here.


The name and initials (AIA) of the American Institute of Architects are registered trademarks. This means that no one has the right to use them to describe any other organization, individuals, or activities connected with the architecture profession without the Institute’s permission.

One of the benefits that comes with membership in the Institute is the right to use a suffix to the member’s name that includes the AIA’s initials. The Institute’s Bylaws designate a particular suffix that may be used by each membership category except for allied members, who are not permitted to use the AIA’s initials as a suffix to their names. (See list below.)

Only those individuals who are members in good standing are entitled to use these AIA designations. Use of an AIA designation by a nonmember is a trademark infringement and is subject to legal action under both state and federal law. Similarly, organizations or companies may not use the AIA’s name, initials, or other trademarks unless the Institute has entered into a written agreement giving permission. To report misuse of AIA designations or other trademarks, e-mail the Institute’s legal counsel, copyright@aia.org

AIA—Architect member (individual entitled under law to practice architecture and use the title architect in any state of the United States)

Assoc. AIA—Associate member (individual without architectural license from a U.S. licensing authority who meets other architectural educational or employment requirements set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

International Assoc. AIA—International associate member (individual without U.S. architecture license who has an architecture license from a non-U.S. licensing authority)

FAIA—Fellow (architect member who has been advanced to Fellowship by the Institute)

AIA Member Emeritus—Architect member emeritus (architect member who has applied for and been granted emeritus status by the Institute as set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

Assoc. AIA Member Emeritus—Associate member emeritus (associate member who has applied for and been granted emeritus status by the Institute as set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

FAIA Member Emeritus—Fellow emeritus (architect member who has been advanced to Fellowship by the Institute and been granted emeritus status by the Institute as set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

Hon. AIA–Honorary member (individual otherwise ineligible for membership who has been admitted to honorary membership in the Institute as set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

Hon. FAIA–Honorary Fellow (architect who is neither a citizen or resident of the United States, who does not primarily practice architecture within U.S. territory, and who has been admitted to Honorary Fellowship as set out in the Institute’s Bylaws)

Source:  American Institute of Architects


Unassigned membership in AIA Arkansas is available to any Architect or Associate member with current membership in good standing in an assigned chapter of the American Institute of Architects, as per the bylaws of AIA Arkansas. Participation in this category of membership is voluntary and provides benefits for the state component of AIA Arkansas membership only and is supplemental to the members assigned chapter membership.

Unassigned membership in AIA Arkansas is available to any Architect or Associate member with current membership in good standing in an assigned chapter of the American Institute of Architects, as per the bylaws of AIA Arkansas. Participation in this category of membership is voluntary and provides benefits for the state component of AIA Arkansas membership only and is supplemental to the members assigned chapter membership.


Affiliate Membership in AIA Arkansas is available to non-architects, registered to practice their professions where such requirements exist, with established professional reputations. Professional affiliates may include engineers, planners, landscape architects, interior designers, sculptors, muralists and other artists, professionals in government, education, industry, research, and journalism, and other professionals whose work is related to the practice of architecture.