AIA Arkansas Emerging Professionals/Young Architects

Emerging Professionals/Young Architects

Emerging Professionals (EP) are Associate AIA members who are in good standing who have completed their academic studies up to the point of licensure or up to 10 years after completion of their academic studies. Young Architects (YA) are AIA members who are in good standing and have been licensed to practice architecture for 10 years or less, regardless of age.

Emerging Professionals/Young Architects Committee

The purpose of the Emerging Professionals/Young Architects Committee is to support and empower Emerging Professionals throughout the state through engagement and outreach. Any AIA Arkansas Emerging Professional is eligible to serve as a member of the committee. If you are interested in serving on the Emerging Professionals/Young Architects Committee, please reach out to your local committee members or contact for more information. Join us on Facebook for more information on events, news, and promotions for Emerging Professionals.

2023 Leadership and Committee Members

Min Wui, Assoc. AIA
Associate Director – 2024
Cromwell Architects+Engineers
Tim Varner, AIA
Asst. Associate Director – 2024
MAHG Architecure

Esteban Ayala, Assoc. AIA

Ernest Banks, Assoc. AIA

Ben Hartter, AIA

Kiara Gilmore, AIA

Kate Edwards, AIA

Holly Strother, AIA

Randall Hurban, AIA

Amanda Sturgell, AIA

Matt Poe, AIA

Brandon Ruhl, AIA

Chris Sullivan, AIA

Adam Day, AIA

Lily McRae, Assoc. AIA – AR NAC Representative

Katherine Lashley, AIA – AR YAF Representative

Licensure Support

Obtaining your license is a significant milestone in your architectural career and can be an empowering step by helping you gain credibility and confidence. More information on the benefits of licensure and steps you can take to get licensed are available through NCARB, AIA, and the Arkansas State Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, & Interior Designers


The Architectural Experience Program (AXP) is a way to document real-world experience as you work towards licensure. This program is intended to build competency and skills in different areas, from practice management to contract administration. For questions relating to fulfilling AXP requirements, contact our Arkansas AXP Coordinator, Katherine Lashley,


The Architect Registration Examination is a multi-division exam intended to test your knowledge and skills in architecture. The current exam version is ARE 5.0 and contains six divisions. The Emerging Professionals Committee has several members who are either currently testing or who have recently completed these exams. For questions or advice relating to exam strategies and resources, reach out to your local committee members or contact Additional resources can be found at the links below:

ARE Scholarships

Between study materials and the cost of the tests, going through the licensing and Architectural Registration Exam (ARE) process is expensive. Scholarships can help you relieve the financial hurdle and reach your goals. Please reach out to the Associates Director if you have any questions or find any additional resources to add to this list.

Architects Foundation (Various Scholarships)

AIAS Pass: Professional Advancement Support Scholarship

Gensler Scholarships (Various)

ArchCareersGuide (Various)

Study Materials

Ready to start studying for your exams? The AIA Arkansas EP/YA Committee has worked with our local Public Library systems to obtain and manage a collection of study materials recommended by NCARB. Please reach out to the Associate Director or an EP/YA representative in your section if you are interested in donating or sponsoring materials.

Rogers Public Library System

Fort Smith Public Library System

Central Arkansas Library System

MERGE Mentorship Program

The MERGE Mentorship Program is open to all AIA Arkansas members and is intended to encourage mutually beneficial, cross-generational interactions that seek to build a network for established and emerging professionals in order to further the personal and career development of the next generation of design leaders in Arkansas. Visit the AIA AR 2020 In Review to see the full list of 2021 mentors.

For more information on the MERGE Mentorship Program, see the links below or email

Emerging Professional + Young Architect Friendly Firm Initiative

The AIA Arkansas Emerging Professional + Young Architect Friendly Firm Initiative is an awards-based program organized to celebrate Arkansas firms that foster Emerging Professional & Young Architect value, retention, equity, professional development & leadership both within the firm and the community. By highlighting firms that create nurturing environments and opportunities for development, we showcase Arkansas as an amazing place to be an Emerging Professional or Young Architect.



2023 APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 6, 2023