We are thrilled to announce the LEED certification of our Little Rock office. On June 17, Viridian Little Rock was awarded LEED Platinum by the U.S. Green Building Council under the LEED for Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance rating system.
The LEED certification of the Viridian Little Rock office was based on building achievements that have a positive impact on the facility itself and the broader community. Viridian earned an impressive 81 of 110 possible points. Highlights include:
- Energy Star score of 98 out of 100 possible points.
- Over 30% reduction in potable water due to efficient retrofitted shower, faucet, and toilet fixtures.
- 100% of landscape potable water use eliminated by installing rain barrels.
- 100% of annual electricity usage is offset with green epower produced from renewable sources.
- More than 40% of electronics purchased are Energy Star certified.
- More than 25% of total food and beverages purchased meet sustainability criteria, meaning that they are harvested and produced within 100 mile radius, free trade, or USDA Certified Organic.
Other efficient features include green cleaning and recycling programs, bicycle racks, and parking for low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles.